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Anybody Know if Sabrina is still working @ Sky would love to see that girl again ! Last time i saw Sabrina she told me she would go back to...
You do realise this club is advertsing itself as a Latina only Saunaclub ???
Nobody ?.......
Seems like more people had thesame experience like you had in PHG Therefore i will not visit PHG anymore until things get better/change Thanks...
Is Samira (Maria) still working in Finca or has she gone back to Freude ?
Have not been in freude for a long time now (currently travelling) But i will be back soon and i am wondering if Lucky is still active in Freude ?...
@ Willie69 Thanks for the update !:winkewinke:
Rolanda ? I have not been to PHG for a while now and i wanted to go tomorrow but can anyone confirm that Rolanda is still there ? Would be...
Is Jipe still in Aca i have not seen here on my last visit Hope to see here again as service from Jipe is always 100% Lets see if she will...
Thanks Rivera ! A good reason to visit Finca one of the clubs i have never been before i can feel a visit comming up soon Any news regarding...
Have not seen Maria for a long time now Anybody know where she is now ?? Thesame goes for Lucky not seen in my recents visits in freude. Does...
Spotted Cindy in Freude yesterday, As always had a superb session with here she is incredible! She will be there today as well she told me
Spotted Celine yesterday in Freude !
Good Question I will like to know thesame thing so would be gratefull for any tips !!