FKK Alina, Dorsten

Dieses Thema im Forum "Saunaclubs allgemein (ohne Unterforum)" wurde erstellt von freiercafe, 6. Februar 2013.

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  1. Brummel

    Brummel Mitglied

    Registriert seit:
    11. Februar 2013

    Ich war vor ca. 3 Wo. mit Elena zusammen : ZK + Schmusen öffentlich sehr schön . Im Zimmer Blasen + GV. ohne Gummi , allein von Ihr aus , ohne dass ich Sie dazu aufgefordert habe . Es ging echt ab !
    Schoenen Gruss Brummel
  2. uhu1985

    uhu1985 Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    27. Januar 2013
    Dem kann ich nur beipflichten. War auch vor 4 Wochen bei ihr. Das einzige Manko was ich festgestellt hatte, war dass Sie die Zeitangaben für die Zimmer nicht eingehalten hatte, so dass ein AST nicht wirklich stand fand. Wenn Sie das noch in den Griff bekommt, wäre sie meiner Meinung nach ein Topact in dem Laden.
  3. derrote1

    derrote1 Hurra, wir leben noch

    Registriert seit:
    19. Dezember 2009
    Das Fkk Alina

    macht dicht. Zumindest für die nächsten 10 Tage. Gestern war der letzte Tag. Ab dem 14.01.gehts in Recklinghausen im Romantica weiter.
    So die Auskunft von gestern von der Theke im Alina.
  4. teev

    teev Guest

    Registriert seit:
    11. September 2013
    am Niederrhein...
    ....also heute ist der Club auf. Es sollen 6 Damen dort sein.....:winkewinke:
  5. Peanut

    Peanut Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    18. Januar 2010
    Dem Vernehmen nach war der Club heute geschlossen.

  6. Xx_er

    Xx_er Guest

    zwei sehr authentische Berichte - danke :cool: :D
    pique und Gaucho danken dafür.
  7. HHansiate

    HHansiate FC Gast! Sauna, Relaxen

    Registriert seit:
    21. September 2013
    Von Norden, bis Westen, manchmal auch Osten
    Ex-Alina Girls gesichtet

    Aus dem geschlossenen Club habe ich folgende Girls nun gesichtet:
    Sarah(hieß Bonny im FKK-Alina) zzt. in der Grimberg Sauna
    (sexy kleiner schlanker Fick-Floh, Bulgarin mit Tatoos übern Arsch, linke Unterschenkel, Schulterbereich)
    Dilara zzt. im m-exclusiv
    (kleine sexy Türkin mit gutem B/C-Vorbau, kinnlange schwarze Frisur, spricht gut deutsch)
    pique dankt dafür.
  8. frank.w

    frank.w Neuling

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2013
    Hat denn einer von euch Infos ob und wann der Club wieder aufmacht?
    Warum haben die überhaupt geschlossen?

    Das ist ein herber Verlust, bin da immer gerne hingefahren.
  9. Honeyslab

    Honeyslab Opulentik-Popper

    Registriert seit:
    6. September 2009
    Die Mädel aus der Alina sind zur Zeit als Unterstützung in der Villa Romantika in Recklinghausen. Dort deutete man aber an, dass durchaus die Absicht bestehe, die Alina wieder zu eröffnen, man wisse nur noch nicht wann, vielleicht in zwei, drei oder 4 Wochen?

    Leider habe ich meine Glaskugel verlegt, oder wie manche sagen würden: Vorhersagen sind immer schwierig, besonders, wenn sie die Zukunft betreffen ;).
  10. uhu1985

    uhu1985 Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    27. Januar 2013
    Laut Auskunft der Bedienung am Samstag ist geplant dass das alina nächste woche wieder los macht. Aber wie immer alle Angaben ohne Gewähr
  11. tomtaylor

    tomtaylor Bekannter Schreiber

    Registriert seit:
    28. September 2009
    Der Club hat geschlossen weil, die meisten DL mit nach Recklinghausen genommen worden sind.
    Ob diese auch nocht dort tätig sind kann ich Dir nicht sagen.
    Der jetztige Betreiber schaut ersteinmal wie sich der Club in RE entwickelt und entscheidet dann Spontan wie es in Dorsten oder Re weitergeht.
    Die Option beide Clubs zu öffnen besteht im Moment auf jeden Fall NICHT.
  12. frank.w

    frank.w Neuling

    Registriert seit:
    22. Januar 2013
    Hallo Jungs, danke für die Infos!
    Ist ja auch schön mal etwas über die Hintergründe zu erfahren.
    Ich werde dann hoffen das Alina in absehbarer Zeit wieder öffnet...
  13. hara1d

    hara1d Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    13. September 2009
    hart an der Grenze (NL)
    Dienstag, 18.2.

    soll Club Alina wieder öffnen. (Auskunft der Thekendame in Recklinghausen, sie sollte es wissen weil sie bisher und wohl auch ab Dienstag wieder in Dorsten arbeitet)
  14. uhu1985

    uhu1985 Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    27. Januar 2013

    Ich habe gestern eine andere Info bekommmen. Es bleiben beide Clubs offen....
  15. tomtaylor

    tomtaylor Bekannter Schreiber

    Registriert seit:
    28. September 2009
    was für ein hin und her, bin ja mal gespannt wie wo oder wann welcher club schliesst oder öffnet.
  16. Honeyslab

    Honeyslab Opulentik-Popper

    Registriert seit:
    6. September 2009
    Laut Thekendame Dagmar eröffnet das Alina am Dienstag wieder. Das Preismodell soll das gleiche sein, wie aktuell in der Villa Romatika, allerdings wird der Start der abendlichen Happy Hour von 20Uhr auf 21Uhr verschoben, und zwar in beiden Clubs.

    Einige Mädel nimmt Dagmar von der Romantika mit hinüber zur Alina. Angeblich sind genügend Mädel vorhanden, um beide Clubs hinreichend zu besetzen.

    So, nun bin ich mal gespannt, ob das auch so kommt :D
    Mr.Hyde und pique danken dafür.
  17. uhu1985

    uhu1985 Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    27. Januar 2013
    Unterschreib ich so... Das exakt die Auskunft der Thekendame vom Samstag. kein Plan wie die heißt hab die noch nie vorher gesehen... Agnes war es nicht.

    Und genügend Mädels haben die ja samstag 14 Mädels anwesend für solch eine kleine Location doch 6-7 Frauen zu viel
  18. stephan

    stephan Neuling

    Registriert seit:
    19. Februar 2014
    Alina ist wieder auf

    Ich war Dienstag da! Die haben beide Clubs auf
  19. Freund

    Freund Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    29. Juli 2013
    #159 Freund, 20. Februar 2014
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 20. Februar 2014
    Willy Wonka (Aka Charlie And The Chocolate Factory)

    Hello Horny Dreibeiner!
    Hier mal wieder ein Bericht von euer Freund!

    Das FKK Alina (im verfolg: FKKA) kann man ab jetzt wieder besuchen!

    Aber wenn ich Ehrlich bin, fand ich meinen Besuch (Club, Mangel von trendiger Dreibeiner, Stimmung, Frauen, etc. ) überhaupt nicht Tierisch Geil.

    Da gab' es keinen "BOAH!!!!" Moment.

    Die Frauen sind auch nicht so ganz hübsch. Typisch RTC- Mädels vom Dorf.
    Ich hatte mir gedacht, dass da vielleicht irgendwie (neue) Topmodels arbeiten würden (man muss ja als Management etwas Tolles machen um Dreibeiner wieder zum Club zu bringen wenn man wieder neu geöffnet ist), aber da haben meinen Freunde und ich wohl nix gesehen. Schade!

    Ich denke, dass es besser wäre wenn der Club wieder zu macht. Es gibt einfach zu viele RTC in der Umgebung. Und wenn jeder Club dann nur 6 oder so durchschnittliche Frauen hat die da werkeln (wie FKKA im moment), dann geht das einfach nicht. Auf jeden Fall nicht für 60 Euro. Da ist überhaupt nix loss. Langweilig. Einige Fick Ferkelchen haben mir auch gesagt, dass dies auch genau der Grund war weshalb FKKA derzeit in Dezember zu gemacht hat: Die meiste Frauen gingen in der Heimat---> fast keine Frauen mehr im Club---> Dreibeiner blieben weg und gingen zu anderen Clubs. Downward spiral optima forma.

    Wenn ich mir das so ansehe und darüber hinaus die anderen Dreibeiner, Thekefrauen, und die Mädels anhöre, denke ich das es schnell wieder so slecht geht wie vorher (December) und das hat nix zu tun mit der Fall, dass der Club gerade 3 Tage wieder geöffnet ist.

    Vielleicht wäre es besser nur 1 Club zu behalten: entweder Villa Romantika oder FKKA und dann in dieser Club mehr Mädels haben die dort den Pussi anbieten: selbstverständlich, müssen die dann auch noch hübscher sein wie jetzt der Fall ist. Einige könnten jetzt von aussehen besser im Partytreff oder Pauschalclub arbeiten oder im Ghettos von Duisburger Laufhäuser, wie z.b. Haus Gabi.

    Meine Freunde und ich waren auch nicht so begeistert von Service im Zimmern der FKKA und die mangelnde Hygiene einige Frauen war oft auch slecht, e.g. nie duschen nach ein Zimmergang, ein sehr smutziges Popo (Schwanz total Braun geworden!). Boah! Das geht doch überhaupt nicht. Wenn man Anal ficken anbietet, dann sollte das Fraulein einen Enema machen und ihren Arschloch gut sauber machen mit Meister Proper:

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    Ich finde das wenn die Frauen da selber nicht an denken, dass die Thekefrau das die Damen öffters am Tag sagt. "Nach scheissen, sauber machen".

    Sonnst sollte man meiner Meinung nach überhaupt gar nicht Anal Sex anbieten. Da werde ich später noch etwas mehr über erzählen (Man hat ja immerhin Typen die Kaviar/Scat recht Geil finden lol).

    Wir sind von Morgens bis etwa 15:00 geblieben. 2 Freunde sind dann noch etwas langer geblieben bis am frühen Abend bis etwa 18:00 oder so. Die haben mich gerade erzählt, dass es auch am Abend sehr Langweilig war. Vielleicht das es ab 20:00 los geht, aber das glaube ich recht nicht.

    Ich kann euch jetzt schon erzählen , dass wir hier erst Mal NICHT wieder hin fahren wenn wir wieder in der Gegend sind, bzw. wenn wir wieder in Deutschland sind.

    FKKA ist nicht ein Club wo ich mich wohl fühle.

    Villa Romantika, die Frauen da, und meine Freundin Daggi mag ich viel besser als FKKA.

    Also nochmals: Villa Romantika behalten oder beide Clubs behalten, aber wenn schon, dann bessere (billigere Preise) für beide Clubs! Da gibt es zu viel bessere Konkurrenz in der Gegend.

    60 (Eintritt + erstes zimmer) + 30/30/30/30 (für jedes weiteres Zimmergänchen ist einfach zu teuer für die Clubs und die Service + generell schlechtes Aussehen der Frauen.

    40 (Eintritt + erstes zimmer) + 30/30/30/30 währe viel logischer für einen ekliger Club wie FKKA (und deren Frauen) im moment.

    Ich muss mich jetzt aber entschuldigen weil Deutch schreiben einfach zu schwierig für mich ist und zu lange daurt.

    I think FKKA/VR will have a hard time staying relevant for the NRW-RTC-region.

    On this day that swung from gloomy overcast skies to scalding sunshine, my buddies and me decided to have a gander at the newly opened FKKA.

    Here are my short Telegram-style notes. Don't mind the spelling errors. You know how it is, iPhone's auto- correct is nothing but dog shit.

    A parking lot (with a white gate) for like only 2 cars. Fuck that shit. You have to park your car alongside a curb of the public street. A street, where you wouldn't want to park your car at night.

    Fortunately, the club isn't a squalid house like I sorta thought it would be. The Zimmern aren't rancid, although the mattresses are kinda putrid (I saw quite a few cum stains here and there before placing my towel on them to FUCK).

    4 showers: all are working. All have warm water.

    1 (!) toilet (next to the towel rack). Clean toilet bowl. Meister Proper did his work here.

    Towels: plentiful. No disgusting blood stains on them (like I experienced in Grimmi the last few times!). Why would girls work at all (duh, pimp, loverboy), if they are on a rag or why would punters go to a club when their dick is bloody. Sick bastards.

    Breakfast/Brunch: none.
    Warm dinner: none
    Kekse, chocolate (next to the soda pop dispenser) and candy (on the table next to the towel rack): yes.

    Drinks: again, from a red Coca-Cola dispenser like we know from other RTC's. No Brause after like 10 minutes after refilling the dispenser.

    Lockers (red colored): okay. 2 coat hangers. Okay.
    Badelatsche: neatly stashed in a rack. No problem to find your size (unlike Villa Romantika for instance lol). They also have small sizes (42/43) here (unlike Villa Romantika for instance lol x2).

    They also have a locker for your keys, cell phone, monies etc. (next to the Theke). One of my buddies keeps forgetting his wallet after he leaves the club. The Thekefrau advised him to also stash his car keys in the mini locker as to not forget his wallet. I think it's a great idea to do so, if you have Alzheimer's like my buddy.

    Finnish sauna: Small. Maybe too small. Good temperature. You can find the sauna outside in the garden in like a mini house or whatever. You also have 2 mini-rooms in there, where you can FUCK. One closed, the other one open.

    Be careful: people will often close the door to the club, leaving you and your girl outside! Nobody hears you knocking on the door due to the loud music.

    Speaking of music: it's fucking bull-shit. 90% Turkish pop! I hate it. Are we not in Germany, for crissakes? If I want to hear this nonsense, I would go to Istanbul. The fun part was that my buddies and me only saw one Turk during our stay. I stayed until 14:00. They until the early evening. I don't understand, cuz there isn't a Turk Fick-Ferkelchen either, so what's up with this Billig-fick-laden music? Thekefrauen are Polish (Agnes) and German (Daggi); surely, they don't listen to this shit on their iPods themselves? I must say, that at least Daggi never plays this garbage.

    Grimberg + Villa Romantika is a warm comfy place that brings you back in time as if you're mongering in the 70's during the heyday of Hefner's playboy mansion parties; FKKA, not so much. It's a cold environment and doesn't has that nasty upbeat vibe that other RTC's have. Even Villa Venus on Barbara's watch feels more homey (can you believe me saying this?). Nah, I'm definitely, not going back to FKKA unless somebody I trust tells me that there are like new Victoria's Secret type of girls werkeln there!
    7 Girls have exported their asses to FKKA.
    It seems like they're staying for the moment (that is, for the time being, that is, if you can trust a hookers' words lol).

    Some have been back from "vacation". A term often used in regular FKK/SC/RTC/PT/PC etc. We all know what this generally means: back from taken care/ dealing with venereal diseases (STD's)!


    Girls we've met in this club + my short notes.

    I must say that most girls in this FKK were swaddled in towels; frankly, we often found solace in the chunky ones doing so lol.

    1. Alex (Aka Mara) [ Ex- Villa Venus, Villa Romantika, PT Ambrosia, etc.]. Pictures: What can I say. Regular RTC- visitors know who she is and what kind of service she delivers. Some Dreibeiner find that she really blows in terms of service, while others find her more than mediocre. She is a macht alles Girlie and takes it up the Popo without bitchin' in a ball-busting manner while you're busy doing your thing. She also lets you shoot your Ficksahne in her mouth (no schlucken). I can only say that you must find out yourself if you have like a connection (whatever the fuck that means) with this Stute. I'm glad that this popo-girl is clean-cut in the Pussi Dreieck and that she always seems to have a fresh ass. Her bum is always neatly shaved. In other words, I've never seen any disturbing butt-hair around the Arschloch. So, I guess those who like to kiss ass (literally), can safely invite her to the Zimmer without having to bother asking her during te pre-sales, if she can spread that buttocks of hers for you in order to investigate if it is sauber and neatly shaved. I can imagine that if there is one thing rimmers wouldn't appreciate, then it would be having a curly butt hair stuck between their teeth. One thing I don't like about her though, is the black spot between her two front teeth. Could need some Tipp-Ex. All in all, I think she is okay but frankly, only as a back-up.

    2. Flori (Aka Willy Wonka, AKA Charlie From The Chocolate Factory ) [Ex- Villa Romantika, ex-many clubs] Pictures:
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    This gal is a bit on the burly side and she isn't exactly my style, but she has a nice smile and face in real life. Of course, her Titten are wonderful too. She doesn't speak any English and her German is okay, I guess. At fist I wasn't expecting much from her in terms of service etc., but she turned out to be a fun person in the pre-sales phase. Cracking some jokes and just foolin' around with my friends and me. Of course, I already was aware of the fact that she is a: macht alles Girlie (including Popo sex), so that's why I proceeded to play around with her. Otherwise, I prolly wouldn't have bothered.

    I invited her to taste my cock but she didn't feel like diving in for a pre-cum fuelled sample.
    So, no pre-sales cock-sucking for Freund.

    Anyways, she was cool nonetheless. So, it came as a big surprise to me that she was in a semi-depressed state in the Zimmer! The feel-good mood seemed to be gone after she closed the door. I asked her if there was something wrong considering she wasn't all that smiley anymore. Of course, she didn't understand what the heck I was saying to her. She said okay. So, we proceeded. I stood in front of her, gave her and big hug and a big Colgate smile, and then told her to make love with my salty ball sack. She descended and put my Eier in her mouth (or at least made an endeavor to do so). I said, more spuck, and she spitted on my nutt sack and made love to the female Eierschwamm and subsequently fapped it. I fondled her big knockers and noticed they are really heavy. Freund likes that. I sucked her big Titten (unfortunately no milk) and I could see on her face that she kinda liked it. She said that I must lay down on the bed (with a bored uninterested face) and then she already wanted to crawl on my Pimmel. I said, I prefer that you suck the cock a bit more. No, she said: "ficken, hajde, hajde", she said. "Besser."

    She was clearly not a fan of eating dick (fortunately for me: no rolling eyes or big sighs: my mood would've gotten even worse if that would've happened. She kept on pushing me towards fucking her nasse Fotze and popo, but c'mon now, already after like 5 minutes she wants to fuck? No warming-up? I said, okay, c'mon, ficken and she asked me if I wanted to fuck her with or without Gummi.

    I don't feel like taking STD-risks with a Girl that a) who isn't crème de la crème in terms of looks or b) who isn't making me crazy (sexually speaking), or isn't playful, nice and/or kind.

    We phucked in different positions, but of course, having a condom on my Terminator, didn't do much for me in terms of lock and loading the Ficksahne. I decided to proceed to fick her Arschloch. And because I didn't necessarily was all that fond of this Girl, I had no problem to really fuck her hard and BALLS-deep! In and out, in and out! Obviously, whilst simultaneously having her big heavy Titten in my hands. I was actually surprised that this Ferkelchen wasn't making any loud sounds when I penetrated her Arsch. Normally, they always oink like my favorite popo girl of the moment: Sarah (Villa Romantika):

    Those type of sounds really turn me on when I fuck a girl in her Arsch. Especially when you penetrate your dick BALLS-deep into their Arsch they normally always oink! When Sarah does it, It sure as hell doesn’t take me long to fill her nasty Arschloch with a half liter of Ficksahne, but not with this Flori girl! Hardly any oinking sounds while taking care of her Arschloch with my wiener. I was getting bored fucking her Arsch in the doggy and wanted to do another position and pulled out.

    HOLY SHIT (literally). Damnit. I sure didn't know I was a negro all of a sudden, but it was only my cock….it totally turned brown after pulling out! Sooooo much shit. I don't think I have ever seen so much shit on my dipstick. Just big chunks. Dayum, was I on the set of Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? And Flori wasn't impressed by the amount of dung AT ALL. It seemed to be just another day at the office for her.

    Normally, when girls provide Popo sex you'll often see some mild Kaka/Keutel juice on your joystick, and being a pervvy polished lowlife, I'm okay with that, but this wasn't like a scattered classy female turd on my cock, it was a friggin' pile of rancid shit on my cock, like a pile of dog dung from a BIG BOUVIER or something.

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    I almost thanked God on my knees, that I wore a Gummi. I thanked the Lord, that I haven't had all that dirty crap jammed-up my pisshole. For sure, I would've gotten in trouble with all the bacteria damaging my piss pipe.

    I was on the verge of stopping the session (o/c my dick went soft too), but then I realized that I normally don't back down in other cases where I have mild scat on my Pimmel after Popo-fuck: I just let girls clean the cock (or not lol) and/or let her suck the juice off and/or ask for a new condom. O/c, I couldn't expect Flori eating a nice balanced dung dinner off my cock, so I politely asked Flori for a new condom (w/out making her feel uncomfortable). You know what she did? She did not! She just took a piece of friggin' toilet paper and scraped all the dung off the Gummi! Can you believe this girl? I didn't know what to say. I was flabbergasted. It was just a shock and awe moment for me. Before I knew, she put my dick in her cunt again and pulled me to her as to continue fucking her. Talk about bad hygiene! For sure, I wasn't going to grab the condom without disposable medical gloves nor would I take off the condom to fuck her bare back! This dirty nasty girl! My dick went soft after some pumpin', so I asked her to do the girl on top position. If there is one thing that could have saved the session and make me spritz, then it would be me fucking her and seeing/grabbing her juggling big Titten doing this position. Obviously, after a few pumps, I spritzt.

    Of course, the session wasn't satisfying to me. Not only because of the lack of joyful attitude towards me when she closed the door when we first entered the room, but also her bad hygiene and the fact that I didn't finished in her mouth or in her nasse Fotze.

    C'mon now, let's get real, one of the joys of RTC-clubs compared to regular FKK/SC is the fact that you're able to fuck bare back and to spritz in a nasse Fotze or Popo! or to at least sprizt in their warm pukehole! None of this with Flori.

    But it got worse.

    There was no after-sales. She didn't smile much, she didn't say much (and didn't even made an endeavor in doing so). The only words that came out of her fucking mouth were: "hajde, hajde, hajde, duschen, hajde, duschen!". So, this is the picture here folks: I was lying on the bed, with a condom already partly rolled-off, loads of cum on my stomach, a piece of toilet paper that she had thrown on my belly (so I could make myself sauber, in stead of her doing so or at least helping me like a good gal), and she standing there next to the door with her arms at her side and saying: "hajde, hajde, duschen, duschen, men, men". I said: NO! It's only 20 minutes. I'm an old man, let me rest a bit, aiight?! Sit down or lay down next to me, whatever. Take it easy, okay? No hajde, hajde, shit! You can do this with other dumb Dreibeiner who'll find everything okay, as long as they have tasted a nookie, not with Freund! You understand? Of course, she didn't, but whatever. I said, you go to the Thekefrau yourself and say that YOU are ready but that the client (me) is a bad guy for wanting a full 30 mins session. No, she said: "aber dann nix Geld von dir". "Du Geld zahlen und dann zurück Zimmer und wieder ausruhen". I said: "Geld später, after 30 mins".

    Willy Wonka Aka Charlie decided to lay down next to me, but considering that she didn't say squad and doesn’t know what good after-sales would be, I decided to clean my own cock and subsequently, without saying anything myself, opening the door and go to the theke to pay this cunt.

    She got a coin of the Thekefrau and then went to her couch. While I was getting a Fanta to cool-off, she started to kiss another Dreibeiner. HOLY FUCK! Her hygiene is even worse! She doesn't even shower! After I drank my Fanta, I went to the shower myself, quickly washed off the Ficksahne of my cock and belly and went into the Wohnzimmer again to meet up with my friends. Flori was still there and making out with the German bloke. They went to room shortly after fooling around. Disgusting! I told my friends what happened and of course, they were disgusted too. After like 20 minutes Flori came back with the customer and of course, she went back to her couch again without showering again. She smoked a Ziggie while another dude was sitting next to her and again after a short while she went to the room with this poor guy. If he only knew that she never showers between sessions then I bet they wouldn't bother booking this chubster for a session.

    3. Gina [Ex- Villa Romantika, Ex- many clubs]. What can I say, She's still not my type. Supposedly one of the best kissers of the RTC-chain. But whatever. If I consider a Girlie unattractive or having no sex-appeal, then that's it. When she is walking around in the Wohnzimmer she looks okay, but in reality, she really has a burly tummy without being chubby. Not really my style. I like blondes, no, I love blondes, but she's not a natural blonde. Wouldn't that be something….a RTC full of natural blondes. One of my friends went with her and he too found her to be a good kisser. Whatever. Good for him, lol, I also would rather kiss Gina if I would have his wife waiting for me back in the States lol.

    4. Alena, Romanian (Roma/Zigeuner type), tall: 1.74 m, supposedly new to this RTC-chain, early to mid 20, long curly dark hair. Skinny albeit w/ a bigger tummy when she sits down. Obviously, due to offspring. For sure, she delivered a few cubs already.Her tits are like a-cup and are of the saggy kind, again due to lactation for her offspring. She doesn't really have a smile on her mug. Too bad, as a Zitrone-look makes one a ugly person, but then again she did all right in the Zimmer. Blow job was standard. Fucking was standard. I would've liked a more smiley mug when she had my phat veiny cock in her warm mouth, but whatever. She isn't shy to drink my pre-cum. All right.

    Villa Venus is prolly the only RTC where I met girls who make the Pimmel sauber before eating dick. I just don't like seeing man juice getting wasted.Basta! Would I recommend going to the Zimmer with her? Only if you are satisfied with a standard BBFS (bare back fuck and suck) session.

    5. Monika, new, early to mid 30. Tall, slender, Either Romanian/Bulgarian (who cares), saggy tits like the former girl. I was very interested in her until I saw her grabbing a box of meds out of her bag. Could be Aspirin. Could be something different. God only knows. I wasn't comfy fucking this girl after seeing this girl taking these meds with some coca cola.

    I'm already suffering from paranoia in RTC's in terms of diseases, and this shit isn't helping. Just don't do this stuff when punters are around. Anyways, I could imagine that I possibly could have made a move nonetheless, if she hadn got all this loose skin 'round her tummy (due to offspring, again, like the former two broads).

    6. Alina [ Aka ex- Biana, Aka Fick Ferkelchen, ex- many clubs]

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    [​IMG] ;-)

    She was coughing a lot today. Not sure if it is due to smoking. Could be Grippe. I didn't want to take my chances with her TODAY. It remains to be said: she still doesn't schlucks. She still doesn't offer her Arsch.

    Nonetheless, I really like how this Ferkelchen looks w/ her cute small Titten and big jiggly Arsch.

    She is the Braut who gets called by the Thekefrauen in any Club where we've met her, when Käse-dicks (that nobody wants to suck) must be sucked. She never seems to complain to service these: "Katastrophe clients/Pimmeln". A real pro. She knows that "sucking the cock she must".

    7. Sindi, [Ex- Villa Romantika, Ex-many clubs] Romanian? Bulgarian? I hardly ask girls where they are from or where they've worked. I don't give a rat's ass and besides, I want to remain incognito and asking this shit sure as hell would make them think that I'm fishing for these information, as to be able write a report in the internetz. Anyway, it must be safe to say, that she is Bulgarian due to her dark skin. Like I said in my previous report, not that impressed with her looks and body, but hey, I was horny and there wasn't any other proper fuck meat around to serve moi. In other RTC's I've never really bothered talking to her, but it turns out that she's really a nice person. Her English isn't that shabby either. Early 20's, nice a-b cup Titten, a little oversized typical Billig-Fick-Laden-tummy, good set of teeth (although a bit too much noticeable dental plaque to my liking). After fooling around with this broad for quite some time (hardly any sexual pre-sales like I'm used to in other RTC, no cock-sucking sample!) we went to the room. She remained cool, sucked the Terminator okay (nothing more, nothing less).

    We didn't even start fucking and she already said to me no spritzen in Muschi!!!!!!!!!

    For fuck sake! Not this shit again. On her card it said: "macht alles, ausser anal". I really hate this: "nicht sprizten in Muschi"-BS. I wanted to quit, right then and ight there, but this would also entail, having to like verbally fight with this girl. I guess, I'm just getting too old for fighting with naughty girls all the time. She was kool, so it just wasn't worth the ordeal.

    Obviously, the session couldn't be considered ace (superb) any longer after this stupid German sentence that you'll hear every so often from these naughty RTC-girlies.

    If a RTC-girl doesn't give her body to a punter completely and surrenders herself completely, then there is no fun at all imo.

    Lilly (GR), Flori (Ex-VV/VR), Sarah (Ex-VV/VR), Maya (VR), Big monster Titten Anni (VV), Anastasia (GR), etc. etc. : all current RTC-girls, who'll surrender themselves to the johns completely without beating around the bush and/or bitching about no spritzen in Muschi or other ball-busting double-damn quibble.

    Anyways, I was fucking Sindi's warm pussy (felt like an oven) bare back for quite some time and I have to say, my lolly was very happy! But my mind not, as she kept saying no spritz in Muschi, okay schatzi. I hate this Schatzi word.

    Her tongue kisses were okay, but I kept thinking about the dental plaque so I didn't feel to rape her mouth with my mouth and tongue.

    I fapped my wiener and at the same time had my nutt sack cupped in my other hand. It still felt quite heavy, even tho I had shot my Ficksahne before. I guess, you can say I sorta felt like a happy camper because I knew Sindi had to brace herself for a big load of half a liter (or "half a kilo", like cutie Lilly always says lol).

    BOAH!!!! I shot a big load of jizz in Sindi's mouth, and that's that. Das München war recht voll mit Ficksahne. I said to her: hmmmm, and made the yum yum sign with my hands.

    Mehr ->

    Mehr ->

    I said, und jetzt schlucken du Stute!

    Of course, she didn’t swallow (like they never do). She only laughed and asked me if I didn't fuck for a week.

    Would I book her again. Most certainly not.

    I much more preferred to make a swimming pool outta her cunt.
    So, for a third session it was NOT satisfying AGAIN.

    For those who keep saying: well, it's only 30,00. Well, fuck 'em. A 30,00 euro session should not be considered to be any different than a 50 euro session.It should be good, whatever the costs are. A crapp session of 30,00 isn't any less crapp to me when it would've cost 50,00 euro. Crapp = Crapp.

    To conclude: 3 crapp sessions - (1 literlly).

    I wasted my money with all them 3 broads and I didn't feel satisfied when we were on the Autobahn again. Fuck!

    We should have went to Arabella and meet this Rayssa chickster ( I still haven't put her on my stick if you know what I'm saying), but we were a little bummed by the reports on this board saying that the place is literally PACKED.

    Now I have to go to a club AGAIN this week (even tho I don't have time) to alleviate my BALLS-sack. The Eier just feel to damn heavy!

    Like this:

    We won't be going to this club anytime soon again.

    Unless, as said, people we know would tell us about any new supermodels (who shouldn't be working in these Billig-Fick-Laden to start with) renting out their pussies in this joint.

    It is what it is, or like the wannabee "rockabilly" heroes of our time, the Rolling stones, are singing:

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
    Meister Röhrich, 2cheapby, Dongle und 8 andere danken dafür.
  20. hara1d

    hara1d Stammschreiber

    Registriert seit:
    13. September 2009
    hart an der Grenze (NL)
    Monika, Ro

    gestern in der Gegend unterwegs gewesen und mal wieder reingeschaut. 8 Mädels am Start, davon 2 "skinny Minnies", nur 5 Setcards in der Klarsichtbox.
    Es wurde versucht mit einem Tablet Internetmusik zu hören, es spielte "Antenne Bayern" (ist nicht unbedingt wichtig Straßenzustandsberichte zwischen Stuttgart, Ausburg und Brennerautobahn zu hören :p ). Ich empfahl mal einzugeben und dort nach "Manele" zu suchen, schon war die Stimmung besser.
    Monika wurde gebucht und ich besetzte ihre Couch um die andere Skinnymaus zu beobachten. Optisch lecker, leider kam auf Blickkontakt wenig Feedback, also gewartet bis die andere zurückkehrte. Sie setzte sich zuerst anderswo hin, als sie ihre Ziggies holte erkannte sie meinen Kontaktwunsch und bei der Zigarette gab es schon mal goile Zungenküsse, nach dem Aufrauchen wurde diese perfekt und Mastförderlich, also Zimmä. Nochmals Küssen, sehr variantenreiches Blasen, den kleinen Knackarsch vor mein Maul "gezerrt" (Monika rückt mein Kopfkissen zurecht damit ich optimal an die Spielsachen gelange), Popofingern mag sie wohl (noch) nicht, 3 Stellungs"kampf" mit sagenhaftem Abgang (CIP), mehrmals bedankt sie sich was ich erwiedere.
    für mich eine Top-Erfahrung
    HornyHorst, Tomto, Honeyslab und 3 andere danken dafür.
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